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Richard Durning's Endowed Primary School

Each child is at the heart of all we do

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Year 1 & 2 - Emerald

Welcome to Emerald Class!

We are Emerald Class, a mixed age Year 1 & 2 class. We are currently made up of 24 children. Our teacher is Miss Canavan. We are very lucky to get lots of extra help from one of our Teaching Assistant in school, Mrs Hailwood.  Every day we are busy completing a range of lessons for example in the mornings we do a mixture of Guided  Reading, Phonics, English, Maths and handwriting. In the afternoons we are busy with foundation subjects such as Art, Geography, History, PE,  Music, DT (see what subjects we are currently focusing on in our Curriculum Overview).     


We are extremely fortunate to have such wonderful outside space at Richard Durning's and we try and make the most of this come rain or shine. With wellies at the ready, we often take learning outside with trails, challenges and even just completing our classroom work outside. 

Reading is such a huge part of our Class, Miss Canavan loves books and installs this in us. Each day we are also very lucky to have Mrs Halkett come  in to listen to the children read. She encourages them and discusses the books ensuring children are trying their best and are engaged. Children are expected to read as often as possible (for the best results - a little each night). Children bring home one story book which is to be a shared read - read alongside an adult. Children will bring home a Phonics Book which links to their weekly teaching and covers sounds learnt within the phonics sessions. The idea of the book is “Repeat, Repeat” to enable children to consolidate taught sounds and apply it within the decidable text.  


Our Week

PE Days for the remainder  of the year in Year 1 and 2 are Thursdays and Fridays, children to come in full PE kit, suited to the weather.  For 5 weeks from January to February 9th Children will have swimming on Tuesdays - and PE on Thursday.  Uniform - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Please keep a pair of wellies in school and if possible a pair of trainers.


Homework is set weekly on our Showbie Learning Platform; either a Maths or English activity.  Each week there are spellings to learn in our little green books, they are set linked to our phonics group and it is important we learn them. 


Please keep checking back as we will post regularly what we have been up to and things the children and yourselves will find useful. 


Miss Canavan 

We are Mathematicians:

In Year 1 we are taking part in Mastery Maths, with the aim to secure firm foundations and deep understanding in number, for all children. The aim over time is to develop fluency in number and calculation with rapid recall of basic number facts. We develop knowledge and understanding by breaking down objectives and repeating skills to embed knowledge. 

See what we have been up to: 

We Are Designers:

What is phonics? | Oxford Owl

Get a definition of phonics and understand the key aspects of learning to read using phonics. Learn more about key terms such as 'phonemes', 'blending' and 'tricky words'. Find more phonics help on Oxford Owl: What is Oxford Owl?

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