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Richard Durning's Endowed Primary School

Each child is at the heart of all we do

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Durning's Ducklings Nursery

Our nursery offers 30 hours free early education and childcare hours in our special nursery classroom.  Children may start our nursery at the start of the next term after they have turned three. Nursery care is available from Monday to Friday from 9am to 3.30pm. Mrs Hodson runs our Early Years Provision. Nursery children may also access our Out of School Club which runs from 8:00am until 8:50am and from 3:30pm to 6pm daily.

The curriculum and learning activities we provide are carefully matched to each child's level of learning and needs. Each child has their own Tapestry account which is a record of their achievements, fun, special moments and experiences.
Our nursery curriculum is carefully planned to ensure we have clear stepping stones from the nursery to our reception year. A range of activities and learning opportunities are planned or the children. 

Throughout the morning the children are provided with a healthy snack and get to play outside daily on the school field and outdoor play equipment or in the Early Years school garden or new construction area.

We believe that 'Ducklings' is the perfect way to introduce your child slowly to school, enabling the transition from nursery school environment to school environment an easy and natural one. Please refer to the Nursery Webpage for further information and to see a range of photographs. 

If you would like any further details or a registration/information pack about Richard Durning's Nursery, please contact Mrs Hodgson on 01257 462968.
