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Richard Durning's Endowed Primary School

Each child is at the heart of all we do

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Curriculum Drivers

“This is what makes our school special”

Our Intent:

Intention 1:

To ensure that all our children receive the very best education that we can provide by equipping ALL children with the necessary skills in reading, writing and mathematics to succeed.



We have:

  • Highly trained outstanding teachers and teaching assistants across the school
  • Carefully sequenced curriculum across all subjects which details what children should know and be able to do at each stage of their education. Teachers have the freedom to adapt their teaching and learning experiences to meet the needs of their children.
  • Effectiveness assessment systems which are further enable us to ensure all children make excellent progress.
  • A culture of high expectations from all and for all.
  • Children who are keen to do well and have excellent attitudes to learning.
  • A clear promotion of reading within school.
  • Experienced support staff who deliver targeted support across the curriculum.


Intention 2:

For our children to be respectful individuals and show positive relationships with all. To ensure our children have the ability to be reflective about their own beliefs and perspective on life, as well as knowledge of and respect for different peoples’ faiths, feelings and values.


Why? Our children, staff and families are a small representation of the wider world. We believe it is important to ensure our children understand that the world we live in, is diverse. We would like to ensure our children receive a curriculum that enhances diversity and provides first-hand experiences. We want our children to recognise and value the things we have in common across a range of different cultural, religious, ethnic, social-economic communities.



We have:

  • A carefully planned and sequenced scheme of work for all subjects which shows progression in knowledge and skills.
  • RE and Assemblies which are carefully planned to promote respect and knowledge as well giving time for reflection and questioning.
  • Celebration of a range of festivals and special events.
  • Invite visitors into school to help support our curriculum and take our children out on visits for first hand real experiences.
  • Work with a contrasting school to further enhance knowledge and skills.
  • A progressive scheme of work for PSHE which builds on children’s emotional development.
  • Respect is a key value in our school – we believe that if we show respect, it guides and promotes excellent behaviour and positive relationships. We will promote respect in every aspect of school life so that children respect themselves, others and property. If children fully understand different cultures, beliefs, religions and know that everybody has their own personal right, they will develop into respectful individuals.

  • A carefully planned and sequenced scheme of work for all subjects which shows progression in knowledge and skills.
  • RE and Assemblies which are carefully planned to promote respect and knowledge as well giving time for reflection and questioning.
  • Celebration of a range of festivals and special events.
  • Invite visitors into school to help support our curriculum and take our children out on visits for first hand real experiences.
  • Work with a contrasting school to further enhance knowledge and skills.
  • A progressive scheme of work for PSHE which builds on children’s emotional development.
  • Culture of respect for all across school.


Intention 3: 


For our children to be fit and healthy in both body and mind and understand why this is important.


Our school has always had excellent sports provision which encourages all children to lead an active life. Over the last couple of years we have completed work with our children on developing their understanding of how their brain operates and further increase their emotional literacy. We believe having a healthy mind and healthy body are both extremely important and we want to give our children a curriculum which promotes both of these aspects. It is important to talk about feelings and our aim is that our children are able to do this with confidence.




  • Have a carefully planned progression scheme of work for PE which utilises sports coaches to deliver high quality lessons.
  • Run a mile three times a week.
  • Have active lunch and playtimes.
  • Offer a wide variety of physically active clubs across the school day.
  • Offer wide variety of competitions and sports events which all children access.
  • Celebrate physical achievement and promote daily across the school.
  • Have a carefully planned PSHE, DT and science curriculum all of which actively promote and support the aim.
  • Have sports leaders which help run events and promote children’s skills.
  • Have used our PE funding to implement high quality teaching and learning across the school.
  • Ensure our Early Years children have access to high quality development of the fundamental basic PE skills.
  • Excellent links with many local sporting provision.


Intention 4: 


For our children to be more confident in asking questions and developing an enquiring mind which will help them reach their potential throughout their life as well as within the education system.


Our children are extremely well behaved in lessons but can be quiet in discussions. As a school we would like to promote children’s ability to ask questions and become intrigued. This will help them find out further about their interests but also widen their field of knowledge. We want them to think “What if…” in order to open up possibilities.



  • Ambitious and carefully planned policies and schemes of work across the curriculum which actively promote developing an enquiring mind.
  • Trips and events designed to promote “What If?” possibilities.
  • Opportunities for the children to develop their own ways of learning and independence in their learning.
  • Teachers use a range of different techniques and strategies to help children become more confident at answering questions.
  • A culture of high expectations for all children
  • Many opportunities for staff to tailor the curriculum to suit the children’s needs and interests.


Intention 5: 


For our children to show high levels of resilience and independence.


Our children are very well behaved in lessons and around school. We would like to further develop their independence and instill a sense of drive so that they all reach their full potential in all aspects of school life. Over the last year we have worked with children, staff and parents in looking at what makes a resilient person. This is something we would like to ensure is fully embedded in our broad and balanced curriculum.



  • Actively promote independence across the school with carefully planned increases of independence expected of our children.
  • Work with parents so our children benefit from us working together on this aim.
  • Have a range of jobs which the children can apply for termly.
  • Celebrate examples of resilience and independence.
  • Have high expectations of all children.
  • Have carefully planned schemes of work which promote these skills.
  • Use positive vocabulary which promotes these skills.
  • Through PSHE and assemblies teach the knowledge and understanding behind the reasons for developing these skills.
  • Give children a range of strategies to use to help support skills of resilience and ways of discussing their emotions – high levels of emotional literacy.
  • Provide all children with a wide range of activities and special events to help build these skills.
  • Take children on residential trips from year 3 to support this aim.


Intention 6:


For our children to understand and know about their regional environment and their location within the world as a whole.


The local area is one of beauty. We would like our children to be more aware of their surroundings and appreciate their natural environment. We have a beautiful field and excellent access to the outdoors – this is an important feature of our full curriculum. It is important that children know about and understand about their local area as well as a high level of knowledge and interest in the world as a whole. This will help them to understand their place in the world community.



  • Opportunities are planned within the curriculum on a regular basis for children to work outside.
  • Carefully planned policy and scheme of work for geography which promotes progression across skills and knowledge.
  • High level visits planned for the children.
  • Cross curricular links which promote children’s interests in the world.
  • Celebration and promotion of our local area as well as places further afield.
  • Eco Club which promotes why we should look after the world.
  • Opportunities for children to actively take part in looking after the environment
If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly.

Martin Luther King Day working on Respect and Understanding and Enhancing Cultural Experiences. Children produced lovely pieces of artwork.

Martin Luther King Day the children produced speeches about their dreams for the future world as part of our work on Respect and Understanding and Enhancing Cultural Experiences.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Driver Photos

Location, Location, Location.
