RE and Collective worship
Religious Education Curriculum Statement
Religious Education is an important subject within Richard Durning’s Endowed Primary School and is taught in accordance with the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus 'Searching for Meaning'. The curriculum is taught from Reception to Y6 and reflects the fact that religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religious traditions represented in Great Britain. Pupils are encouraged to articulate clearly and coherently their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences so that they can hold balanced and well informed conversations about religions and worldviews whilst respecting the views of others. We believe RE is like an iceberg as you unpack ideas you come to understand a deeper meaning. At Richard Durning’s we believe that studying religious and non-religious worldviews is essential if pupils are to be well prepared for life in our increasingly diverse society in modern Britain. ‘RE is vital in preparing pupils to engage in a diverse and complex multi – religious and multi – secular society.’(RE OFSTED Research Review 2021) The knowledge, skills and attitudes developed through RE at Richard Durning’s can make a significant contribution to promoting British Values and supports all children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Please see attachment below for full policy.
Religious Education and Collective Worship Policy
Collective Worship at Richard Durning's
RE Curriculum Long Term Plan
Progression Documents
Progression of RE Vocabulary
Concept Maps - Detailing Progression of Knowledge Taught in the Progressed Religions
Useful Links
Whole School trip to Blackburn Noorul Islam Masjid and Blackburn Cathedral
The children were given a tour of the Masjid as well as a short talk about Islam. They had the opportunity to ask many questions as well as hear the call to prayer and see a washing demonstration (Wudu) performed by a member of the Mosque.
Whilst at the Cathedral the children were able to explore the space finding out about the features of the Cathedral and then later took part in workshops linked to Pentecost. During the workshops the children acted out the story of Pentecost as well as make some music associated with the different elements of the Pentecost story. The children had a fabulous day.
Whole School RE trip to Blackburn Noorul Islam Masjid and Blackburn Cathedral
Here are some examples of our wonderful RE work across the school
Sapphire Class
Sapphire Class have been learning about the Christmas Story in Christianity
Emerald Class
Why do Christians say that Jesus is the Light of the World? Emerald Class learned about the Chrstingle and enjoyed making their own!
Ruby Class
How and why might Christians use the Bible? Ruby Class have been learning about the Bible and have explored the different types of writing in the Bible as well as the Bible being a library of 66 different books.
Diamond Class
How do Christians mark the turning points on the journey of life? Diamond Class have been enjoying learning about Christian rites of passage such as Baptism and read the passage from the Bible of Jesus being baptised by John the Baptist.
School Activities
Remembrance Day - The whole school gathered together in an act of Remembrance
Diamond Class took part in a webinar linked to Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day - The whole school created a banner as a focal point for our act of Remembrance
Collective Worship