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Richard Durning's Endowed Primary School

Each child is at the heart of all we do

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Hazel - Years 2 and 3

Welcome to Hazel Class!

We are Hazel Class, a mixed age Year 2 & 3 class. We are currently made up of 24 children. Our teacher is Miss Canavan. We are extremely lucky to have help and support with our learning from teaching assistants in school. Every day we are busy completing a range of lessons, in the mornings we do a mixture of Guided  Reading, Spelling, English, Maths and Handwriting. In the afternoons we are busy with foundation subjects such as Art, Geography, History, PE,  Music, DT, RE. This term we are off with a bang with our learning, with the Gunpowder Plot, learning all about Guy Fawkes.


We are extremely fortunate to have such wonderful outside space at Richard Durnings and we try and make the most of this come rain or shine. With wellies at the ready, we often take learning outside with trails, challenges and even just completing our classroom work outside. 

Reading is such a huge part of our Class, Miss Canavan loves books and instills this in us. She encourages them and discusses the books ensuring children are trying their best and are engaged. Children are expected to read as often as possible (for the best results - a little each night). Children bring home one book to enjoy and share with an adult building up to independent reading, they will also bring home reading challenges in the front of their reading record to complete over the half term and be rewarded with raffle tickets drawn in Achievement Assembly


Our Week

PE Day for Hazel Class are Mondays and Thursdays, children to come in full PE kit, suited to the weather.  Uniform - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - please ensure children are in the correct school uniform. 
Please keep a pair of wellies in school and if possible a pair of trainers.


Homework is set weekly on our Showbie Learning Platform,  Each week there are spellings to learn, times tables. Year 2 will have a spelling based homework and Year 3 will have a Maths based homework. 


Please keep checking back as we will post regularly what we have been up to and things the children and yourselves will find useful. 


Miss Canavan 

Welcome to Ruby Class Spring 2024

Our class assembly all about the Lake District, showcasing all our knowledge that we have learnt in Geography.

We have designed our own book covers based on our fantastic class novel.

Business Enterprise: Ruby Class made their own products and sold them at our Christmas Market

We have enjoyed our Yoga lessons that linked to our Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Curriculum Driver

RE- We have been learning about the Bible and all the different types of writing within the Bible as well as the different books

Art - Take a look at our beautiful artwork replicating Kandinsky's Concentric Circles.

We enjoyed our Outdoor Education Lessons in PE

Science - Ruby have used their scientific knowledge about liquids to create liquid rainbows

Computing - Computer Science

Ruby class like to celebrate our learning with end of half term knowledge quizzes!

We love to curl up with a book in Ruby Class!

Ruby class Trip to Parbold Library

History - Ruby Class have been mini archaeologists piecing together Primary and Secondary sources to find out about the Roman Period!

We have fun in our PE lessons!

Staying Safe Online

Useful Links
