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Richard Durning's Endowed Primary School

Each child is at the heart of all we do

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Beech - Reception and Year 1

Welcome to Beech Class

We are Beech Class, a mixed Reception and Year 1 class. Our teacher is Miss Foley. We are very lucky to get lots of help from our wonderful Teaching Assistants and Volunteers in school.  In the morning we complete a range of lessons/ activities on Reading, Phonics, English, Maths and Handwriting. In the afternoons we are busy with foundation subjects such as Art, Geography, History, PE,  Music, DT. We are looking forward to learning about the Queen this term. We also have our different areas of provision set up with exciting learning opportunities for the children. 


We are extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful outside space and field at Richard Durning's School. We often take learning outside with trails, challenges, forest school activities and even just completing our classroom work outside. 

We have a beautiful reading area in our classroom and we are very lucky to have Mrs Elliot and Mrs Miller helping our children with extra reading throughout the week. They encourage the children and discuss the books ensuring children are trying their best and are engaged. We expect the children to read regularly and on a Monday the children will take home a phonics book and a shared phonics story book to read throughout the week. The books link to their weekly teaching in phonics and covers sounds learnt within the sessions. Please “Repeat, Repeat” the books to enable children to learn and consolidate taught sounds.


Our Week

PE Days are Monday and Friday, children need to come in a full PE kit, suited to the weather.  PE lessons will be taught by West Lancashire Sports Partnership. 


Homework is set for Year 1 children weekly on our Showbie Learning Platform; either a Maths or English activity.  Each week there are spellings to learn in little books, they are linked to our phonics group and it is important that the children learn them. They will be sent home on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday. 


Please could all children have a pair of wellies kept in school. 


Many Thanks

Miss Foley  

Curriculum Meeting for parents

What is phonics? | Oxford Owl

Get a definition of phonics and understand the key aspects of learning to read using phonics. Learn more about key terms such as 'phonemes', 'blending' and 'tricky words'. Find more phonics help on Oxford Owl: What is Oxford Owl?

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