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Richard Durning's Endowed Primary School

Each child is at the heart of all we do

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

One of our Curriculum Drivers is called "Healthy Body, Healthy Mind." We believe that a healthy mind is as important as a healthy body. Our whole curriculum supports this and we place high importance on teaching our children strategies to support promoting a healthy mind. We are also aware that we all need support from time to time and that this is okay. 

In our PSHE lessons we focus on Healthy Minds each term and also through assemblies and whole school events. Each year we hold special driver days where we put even more focus on this element. 

Throughout the year we also run special workshops for the children in helping them to have a healthy mind - yoga, Shine workshops which develop children's self-esteem and happiness through art, 1:1 or small group sessions. 

We also deliver the Confident Me and Mini Me Workshops to our children where we explore ways of handling our emotions, increasing self-esteem and celebrating the unique qualities of each child. 

Through PE lessons and additional physical activities we also promote how exercise helps with our mood and mental health. Children are taught the impact and explore how exercise makes us feel and impacts our mental health. All children have taken part in Relax Kids workshops which explore mindfulness, relaxation, positive self-esteem and how the brain works in times of anxiety and relaxation. 

Mrs Hodgson has completed the Mental Health Leader qualification and Miss Wright is a qualified Mental Health First Aider. Miss White has completed a number of courses on Mental Health. We work together supporting children and their families in looking after mental health. 

Shine Workshops with Mrs Coggins

Sleep Helpline Information
