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Richard Durning's Endowed Primary School

Each child is at the heart of all we do

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Oak - Years 4, 5 and 6

Welcome to Oak Class


Our class is made up of 10 year 4 children, 14 year 5 and 8 year 6's. In the mornings year 6 are taught by Mrs Whitfield whilst Mrs Bowey teaches year 4 and 5. In the afternoons we join together to be taught by Mrs Tilley. 


Much of our writing in English is based upon our reading; Spring Term it is based on our geography topic 'Let's Explore the Rainforest'. We are all reading The Explorer by Katherine Rundell. Reading is really important - we promote reading in a variety of ways.  In our classroom we have a special Reading and Wellbeing area where we have our own settee and book display.  Each week we are set reading challenges to complete and love collecting our raffle tickets for the Friday Assembly draw.


We are so keen to collect knowledge and new vocabulary. Our Knowledge Journals are a great way to record our learning and we love our end of term quizzes to see how much we have remembered. Our classroom is covered in high quality vocabulary. 

We work very hard in Oak Class to ensure each child reaches their potential across all areas of the curriculum. We have a happy, calm, hard-working learning environment, where every child feels valued and secured. We all know what we need to do to make progress and to do our very best.  We encourage resilience, perseverance and an 'I can'  attitude! Our teachers encourage us to achieve our targets and to be proud of the wonderful work that we do. Have a look around our classroom and in the corridor to see some of our fantastic work. We are always very excited to find out who is 'Star of the Week' and Dojo Champ of the Day. The Dojos are collected at the end of the week and added to our team points. We are excited to see which team is in the lead!

We are lucky to have beautiful surroundings for our school. We have a wonderful field with a Willow Classroom and a tunnel and tyres to play on. Every two years we go to Tower Wood as part of our outdoor learning curriculum.  Whilst there, we enjoy open canoeing, climbing, balance beam among many other activities. It's a great time to learn team building skills and build our resilience and confidence. PE days are Monday and Thursday this year. 

We have a School Council and a Sports Council where we have a representative from both year groups. Year 6 pupils also take on the responsibility of Team Captains, Playground Leaders and some of our children have been trained as referees for football games. All children have the opportunity to apply for jobs within school and many of Oak Class take pride in their roles. We have a range of extra curricular activities on offer that Oak Class have the opportunity to participate in. 

Our school offers an exciting array of competitive and festival events that we can take part in. 

Letter to Parents. Autumn Term

Knowledge Organisers

Staying Safe Online

Useful Links

Curl Up With A Book Sessions - We Love To Read!

Computing - Computer Science

PE - Invasion Games

Music - learning to play Samba Drums and percussion

Yoga - Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Y5 Bikeability

Science - exploring the rotation of the sun, moon and earth

Science - exploring properties of materials

Hygiene talk

History - Researching and answering questions about Alexander the Great

Class assembly - all about our adventures at Tower Wood

RE - using the Bible to read about John the Baptist

PSHE - Keeping Safe with a workshop with Lancashire Fire and Rescue

PSHE - No Outsiders Work - Everyone is welcome - Showing our differences in developing our own hand design

PE - Developing Outdoor Education Skills
